Jim Bernardin’s Steel Pan Workshops, Mondays 5:30pm & 7pm

£10 per class, Mondays 5:30pm & 7pm

Learn to play steel pans in a series of weekly workshops with Jim Bernardin.

Having started my musical career solely as a kit drummer influenced by rock bands such as Genesis, Rush, Sting and Frank Zappa, I learned to sight-read and quickly established myself as a professional drummer for shows and backing artists in residencies on land and on cruise-ships. I later studied the marimba, piano, steel pan and more recently the bass guitar, gaining a first class music degree in 1998 and a Masters 2020.

Teaching has been a passion for twenty five years now, as has creating and directing successful community projects like Worthing Steel Band from 2012-2021.

Learn to play steel pans and be a founder member of Arundel Steel Band! All pans provided, just contact me on steelpanjim@gmail.com to book your place.

Juniors (age 9 – 16) on Mondays from 5:30pm

Adults (age 17 upwards) on Mondays from 7pm

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